Friday Reccy: Seasoned Environmentalist Reveals the Inner Workings of the Movement

“Scientists, activists, and journalists—those are the three groups that have perpetuated so much of the misinformation.”“…most mainstream environmental journalists are environmental activists who went into journalism to be activists.”-Michael Shellenberger, environmental activist for 30 years and author of Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All (2020) As heard on American Thought Leaders, “How Climate… Continue reading Friday Reccy: Seasoned Environmentalist Reveals the Inner Workings of the Movement

China is the Wolf Reassuring the Sheep

You probably noticed some of the things in my coronavirus post were different from what you hear in the newspaper and on the news. Why is that? Different sources I read and listened to the same things you did, but having studied microorganisms and infectious diseases, I had questions. So I looked some more. What… Continue reading China is the Wolf Reassuring the Sheep

Getting the Truth From the Horse’s Mouth, a podcast reccy

Project Veritas' James O'Keefe talks about using undercover journalism and first-person accounts to unearth truths about Twitter and other organizations.