Class-Action Lawsuits, PCR Tests to Create a Pandemic, and Population Control

Science is asking questions!Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on Jorn Luka podcast discussing deadly effects of coronavirus variants on the vaccinated population and other COVID-related, lesser known topics. Food for thought.

Lies, All Lies

We are living in an age of lies.Dennis Prager on the Dennis Prager Podcast Governments’ responses to COVID prove they don’t care about truth. It just has to sound true. Or it just has to be repeated often and everywhere. How far can they push people when they can convince them to be afraid? It’s… Continue reading Lies, All Lies

Steve Bannon on the Most Important Fight

If you can translate Steve Bannon's interview into Chinese, the people of China MUST hear it. He urges Americans to keep fighting for our values and truth, and he rallies Chinese to overcome communist oppression. The Epoch Times investigative reporter and Crossroads podcast host Joshua Philipp talks with the former White House Chief Strategist… Continue reading Steve Bannon on the Most Important Fight

Friday Reccy: A Book to Bring Us Together

Open your own mind and look for the reasons behind the behavior, and you’ll take the first step toward breaking down barriers and communicating with an “impossible” person.Mark Goulston in Just Listen This book is the most important book any student, professional, or family member can read because it helps us talk so we can… Continue reading Friday Reccy: A Book to Bring Us Together

See Stop the Steal, Million MAGA March You need to see the ongoing rallies and support for a fair electoral process and President Trump. The dinosaur media won't show how unsettled the 2020 presidential election remains. They won't show you how many people believe in President Trump and righting the ballots. Trump supporters are not racists. We are not haters. We… Continue reading See Stop the Steal, Million MAGA March

Friday Reccy: Why Mail-in Voting Hurts a Fair Democratic Election

LISTEN to Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw podcast, "How to Avoid Chaos & Make Elections Work," with Hans von Spakovsky (Repost from June 1, 2020) Why suspect mail-in voting? Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw wants to know. Heritage Foundation's Election Law Reform Initiative expert Hans von Spakovsky addressed the many aspects. Image by ArtsyBeeKids on… Continue reading Friday Reccy: Why Mail-in Voting Hurts a Fair Democratic Election

American Big Tech Follows China’s Lead

Allum Bokhari on American Thought Leaders podcast talking about how Google, Facebook, and Twitter control information, and therefore ideas and opinions. People liking and sharing sites determined to be "hate speech" will themselves be less searchable and findable on the internet. Like China's marvelous example of social and psychological intimidation, social justice warriors at big… Continue reading American Big Tech Follows China’s Lead