Friday Reccy: A Rare Conversation Between Doctors about Saving COVID-19 Patients’ Lives

...out of 2200 patients, I didn’t have more than two people die.”-Dr. Vladimir Zelenco, developer of the Zelenco Protocol for early COVID symptoms and as a preventative Dr. Vladimir Zelenco created the Zelenco Protocol—timing COVID treatment with early symptoms, dosage, and medication (hydroxychloroquine and zinc). Seven governments consulted and applied his protocol. Why aren’t… Continue reading Friday Reccy: A Rare Conversation Between Doctors about Saving COVID-19 Patients’ Lives

White Paper Illuminates Hydroxychloroquine Storm

"White Paper on Hydroxychloroquine" cuts through the misinformation and disinformation about the much-maligned generic drug that can save us all. Dr. Simone Gold concisely explains: faulty studiesefficacy studieshydroxychloroquine history and usedoctor censorshipbig pharma and government blockade of hydroxychloroquineoff-label "Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been FDA approved for over 65 years and has been used billions of times… Continue reading White Paper Illuminates Hydroxychloroquine Storm