Dennis Prager on the Meaning of Memorial Day (2013) In Hawaii we have a tradition of remembering all our dead on Memorial Day. But I've always known it was supposed to be a day to honor a very special few. You will appreciate how clearly Dennis Prager explains this day. I am so moved that there are families, generations of military men and… Continue reading Dennis Prager on the Meaning of Memorial Day (2013)

Keep the Freedoms

The best thing we can do this Memorial Day weekend is to honor the legacy of our dead heroes by fighting to keep the freedoms they’ve already given us.Carl Jackson, guest host on The Dennis Prager Show, May 28, 2021 Look at photos of soldiers in previous wars, pre-modern era, when men were drafted for… Continue reading Keep the Freedoms

Quote From a Thankful American

We are imperfect. But compared to any other society I am aware of, we have a stronger system of freedom, a greater capacity for people to rise, and a greater awareness that anybody can come from anywhere and become an American."-Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, 2012 Presidential candidate, and author of Collusion Thank… Continue reading Quote From a Thankful American